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itsme Breemes stands for Industrial Technology and Supply of Mechanical and Electrical products, services and solutions. Hence, we are not only your technical value add distributor assuring you get the right products at the moment you need it and tailored to your logistics process.

​​​​​​​We also have the technical know-how and expertise in house to support you with the latest insights to realize and maintain your industrial equipment. We support you for example with End of Life services, your machine safety risk analysis or with flow measurement, so you can continue to focus on your core activities.


Interested about our technology services for your organization? Ask for a phone-call with one of our experts. Contact us for an appointment, we will call you within one working day

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Technical information updates
Your performance has been above average in recent years and your production equipment has grown accordingly? Congratulation! But not like that! Already today, think about how the growing complexity of your equipment can be mastered. With our service Technical Information Updates you secure yourself from multiple angles. On the one hand, you stay informed if there is any news in the confusing world of industrial automation. On the other hand, you are well prepared for product warnings, callbacks or obsolescence.
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End of life services
Do you know the product life cycle of your production equipment? Do you know when the next intervention will be useful and when it will be absolutely necessary in order to prevent a production stand still? Whereas most mechanical components use to work for decades - assuming one drop of oil - the service life of modern components is constantly decreasing. That may be annoying, but that also brings many new features in operations. Increasing power density, flexibility and previously unseen functionalities operate in corresponding networks, requiring a minimum of hardware performance and increasingly shorter-term software updates.
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Market check and sourcing
Is your team running around the clock to master the challenges of daily production? Do you have the time to take care of the latest technology developments and trends? This is exactly the core of your job description for our technicians and engineers. Due to our wide range of suppliers and products, they invest a large part of their time in keeping up to date with the latest technology. While sometimes it's a new interface offered for one specific motor, another time it's a firmware update that unlocks new functionalities that can be leveraged in multiple projects
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Project calculation
Do you like to drive blindfolded? We do not! Especially not when it comes to your projects! Often enough retrofit projects or new installations have to be done alongside the day-to-day business. It's clear that one or the other is suffering. Get in touch with us to get project planning, scope and cost assurance. And often we present you with alternative solutions, which you did not think of.
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Project design
In theory, it is clear to all: A good project starts with a clear project definition. The strategic organization of ideas, the required material and the necessary processes are part of this, in order to reach the goals. Experienced project managers know this and are already putting enough energy into this early phase to avoid traps and to have critical success factors in mind right from the start.
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Are you fully aware of the objectives, tasks and functions of your technical facility, but do you lack the experience of programming and setting up the components? Machines and equipment in production or logistics are becoming ever more complex. At the same time, many controllers and visualizations offer extensive possibilities for optimizing processes and conditions for the respective application. Even if you find it inefficient to spend hours on user manuals, you should consider consulting an expert who will discuss and then implement the correct configuration of your system with you. We would like to help you!
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Pneumatic re-engineering
Our re-engineering of your pneumatic system starts with an inventory. Here, we first look at the compressor. We then also check the pipe network, couplings and hoses needed to control the pneumatic components. If certain components need to be replaced by new versions, this is mentioned in the report.
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Today, hardware and software are two components of a unit that can no longer be separated. As a consequence, it is no longer enough to keep an eye on the physical world. After properly cabling and connecting a component, fine-tuning begins. Only the right settings in the software get the most out of the systems.
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Have you finally decided to invest in the energy efficiency of your production equipment? The problem is: you are faced with the new pump, the efficient fan or the latest drive and all the controls do is: on and off?
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Machine safety risk analysis
Are your machines properly protected? Are there sufficient guards? And also: do the machines have facilities for an emergency stop? After an inspection in accordance with the Machinery Directive, you can tick the box on all those questions. You can equip your machines with a CE marking, with which you comply with the European directive. And what's more, what matters most: you put the safety of the user first.
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Machine documentation service
You know the situation: during a project, smooth and efficient communication between all participants. Alternatives are discussed and quick decisions are made; settings are defined and the correct parameters assigned. And then, some time after commissioning, questions or problems arise. In the meantime, key employees have left the company, creating serious problems.
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Energy efficiency advice
Energie-efficiëntie is een van de belangrijkste onderwerpen in bedrijven, en niet alleen vanwege de klimaatverandering. Energie is een van de kostenbronnen in veel productieomgevingen. Het goede nieuws is dat het een kostendrijver is die met succes kan worden tegengegaan. Immers, zelfs het kernproductieproces hoeft niet te worden aangeraakt en toch kunnen aanzienlijke besparingen worden gerealiseerd. Er is nog steeds een enorm onbenut efficiëntiepotentieel in veel bedrijven, en dat zonder comfort of productiviteit in te leveren.
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Power quality assessment
Loopt uw software vaak zonder duidelijke reden vast? Zijn uw testingenieurs aan het klagen over chaotische metingen en foutieve analyses? Een industriële omgeving vormt een bijzondere uitdaging voor moderne technologie. Besturingscomponenten zijn uiterst complexe elektronische componenten die gevoelig kunnen reageren. Het is niet ongebruikelijk dat bedrijven softwarecrashes, meet- en besturingsfouten ervaren die niet terug te voeren zijn op de instrumenten zelf.
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Flow measurement
Working at height requires good protection against the risk of falling. Wondering how you take care of that? Ask us for advice for the right fall protection products. We specify, among other things, how long a safety line must be, which damping is associated with it and how you secure the line. You can also contact us for the mandatory annual inspection, regardless of which segment you work in.
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